Home Q. sionista, ebraica, giudaica.
L’archivio storico de The Times parte dal 1785. Viene da noi utilizzato ai fini della nostra ricerca per la parte più antica, dove non dovrebbero esserci problemi di copyright. In caso contrario i contenuti verranno rimossi su semplice richiesta degli aventi diritto. Valgono per le fonti australiane gli stessi criteri di raccolta e sistemazione che abbiamo
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BASLE, Aug. 16. - At the meeting of the Zionist Congress today messages sympathizing with the Zionist movement were read from all parts of the world. Herr Marmorek (Vienna) afterwards read the general report, showing the progress made since the last congress.
Herr Kokesch (Vienna) read a report on the financial position of the movement, in wich he states that the number of contributing members now exceeded 100,000. The receipts amounted to 158.212f. and the expenses to 142,754f. The £250,000 which were required for the founding of the proposed Colonial Bank had been oversubscribed.
Professor Gottheil (New York) next described to the congress the great progress made by Zionism in North America. In the debate wich ensued Herr Werner (Vienna) urged that what the Zionist required was not so much a Turkish charter as a publicly recognized and legal position guaranteed by the great Powers.
tratta da “The Times”
1898 ↔ 1900
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Anno di inizio spoglio: 1899. |
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Sommario: Anno 1899 → 1. La Federazione Sionista Inglese. – 2. Il Congresso Sionista. – 3. –
Indice Analitico: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. – Eventi del 1899. – Altre fonti giornalistiche, periodiche o archivistiche del 1899. - Cronologia generale.
Last night a dinner to inaugurate the English Zionist Federation was given at the Trocadero Restaurant. Sir Francis Montefiore presided. The object of the federation is to affiliate the movement hero for the restoration of the Jews with the great international movement in Europe. After the loyal toasts, which were cordially received, the chairman proposed "Success to the Zionist Movement," referring first to the attacks which had been made on the Zionist cause, but these only showed how greatly it was feared. One of the reasons given for opposing the movement was that it was non orthodox; but their liturgy teemed with passages supplicating that they might return to Jerusalem. Then it was said that the soil of Palestine was so poor and barren that it was useless to cultivate it, and that if a large number of colonists were to attempt to do so they must inevitably miserably fail. This allegation appeared to him to be so serious that he made a searching investigation. The result was that he found those who made it must have been strangely misinformed; for, though it was undoubtedly true that much of the soil of Palestine was, from an agricultural point of view, in a very unsatisfactory state, this was entirely owing to the fact that the land had now for many years been shamefully neglected. If a proper system of agriculture were introduced into Palestine the land would again become very fertile and capable of supporting a population ten times larger then the present one. Then Palestine afforded great scope for mercantile and commercial undertakings - a subject on which the anti-Zionist observed a very significant silence. The chairman criticized some of the utterances of the Press on the Press on the question, and urged Zionist non to be discouraged by the difficulties they had to encounter. Let them remember that Zionism was the beacon light which was steadily showing the way towards the land to which the hearts of all true Jews must lovingly incline - the land which formerly belonged to their ancestors and which the highest of all authorities had declared should yet again be theirs. The toast was loudly cheered. The other toasts included "Success to the English Zionist Federation".Indice Analitico: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. – Eventi del 1899. – Altre fonti giornalistiche, periodiche o archivistiche del 1899. - Cronologia generale.
English Zionist Federation
The Times,
Monday, 23 Jan 1899, p. 6
The Zionist Congress
The Times,
Thursday, 17 Aug 1899, p. 4
BASLE, Aug. 16. - At the meeting of the Zionist Congress today messages sympathizing with the Zionist movement were read from all parts of the world. Herr Marmorek (Vienna) afterwards read the general report, showing the progress made since the last congress.
Herr Kokesch (Vienna) read a report on the financial position of the movement, in wich he states that the number of contributing members now exceeded 100,000. The receipts amounted to 158.212f. and the expenses to 142,754f. The £250,000 which were required for the founding of the proposed Colonial Bank had been oversubscribed.
Professor Gottheil (New York) next described to the congress the great progress made by Zionism in North America. In the debate wich ensued Herr Werner (Vienna) urged that what the Zionist required was not so much a Turkish charter as a publicly recognized and legal position guaranteed by the great Powers.
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