novembre 04, 2012

La questione sionista e il Vicino Oriente. – Documentazione tratta dal “New York Times”: Cronache dell’anno 1904.

L’archivio del New York Times parte dal 1851 ed arriva ai nostri giorni. Da esso estraiamo i dati rilevanti per la nostra ricerca sulla «Questione sionista e il Vicino Oriente». Avvertiamo che se anche il “Vicino Oriente” resta un elemento imprescindibile della ricerca, tuttavia non consideriamo il sionismo come un fenomeno delimitato in senso territoriale. Riteniamo, con Gilad Atzmon, che esso sia un fenomeno globale. Ed in questo senso le fonti americane, in primis il “New York Times” offrono una traccia preziosa. La “Questione sionista” è collegata alla «Questione giudaica» e alla «Questione ebraica». Anche per questa serie sarà seguito il criterio della doppia redazione, detta “a papiro” ossia disposta per singolo anno in un solo post che potrà assumere ampia dimensione, e “a libro” ossia disposta in singoli post per ogni articolo, che potrà essere tradotto in italiano e corredato di commento ed ogni utile apparato, inclusa la indicizzazione analitica dei nomi e una cronologica. Il Lettore sarà di volta in volta guidato nell’uso dell’ipertesto. I commenti introduttivi variano con il procedere della ricerca e formano come una discussione permanente della metodologia seguita e suscettibile di evoluzione.


tratta dal  “New York Times”

1880 ↔   1936 1944

New York Times: 1882 -1883 - 1884  - 1886 - 1887 - 1888 - 1889 - 1890 - 1891 - 1892 - 1993 - 1894 - 1895 - 1896  - 1898 - 1899 - 1900 - 1901 - 1902 - 1903 - 1904 - 1905 - 1906 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910  - 1912 - 1913  - 1914 - 1915 - 1916 -1917 - 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 - 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1925 - 1926 - 1927 - 1928 - 1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 - 1933 - 1936  - 1938 - 1939 - 1940 - 1941 - 1942 - 1943 - 1944.

Anno inizio spoglio: 1904
Sommario: 1904: 1) 21 giugno: Il sionismo viene discusso alla Camera dei Comuni. – 2°) 2. – 3)
Cap. 1

Top supra ↑ 21.6.1904 ↓ infra ⇒

Zyonism discussed in House of Commons

New York Times,
 21 giugno 1904.

ZIONISM DISCUSSED IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. Hostility to the East African Colonizazion Scheme. Success Thought Doubtful. Project Deprecated as a Mouvement to Establish an Alien Community on British Soil. London Times-New York Times Special Cablegram. Copyright, 1904. Thie New York Times.

LONDON, June 21. – 1n the House of Commons last night there was considerable discussion over the projected Jewish colonization in East Africa.

Outspoken hostility to the project was manifested by several members who regarded it in effect as a plan to establish an allied community on British soil. But the real interest of the debate was in what was said by Major Evans Gordon and others as to the improbability of the scheme materializing on a large scale.

Major Gordon said the proposed settlement was a mere shadow at present. An offer of certain lands in East Africa was made to the Jewish community. The offer was first made public at the Zionist Congress at Basel, but while the generosity of the Government was recognized by all, one section of the congress, mostly Russians, withdrew as a protest against its adoption on the ground that the establishment of these colonies would divert the Zionist movement from its original purpose, which was that Palestine be made the home of the race.

On the other hand, another section, headed by Israel Zangwill, thought while the possession of Palestine might remain the ideal of the movement, the colonies in East Africa could be made a sort of training ground for the race.

However, the two sections combined to send a committee to Africa to inquire as to whether there was any hope of the project being successfully carried out. So enormous were the difficulties surrounding the scheme that it was doubtful whether a single Jewish family would be sent out. At any rate, the movement, if ever entered upon, must begin in a very small way.

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