gennaio 24, 2011

La questione sionista ed il Vicino Oriente – Documentazione tratta da “The Evening Post”: w) Cronache dell’anno 1921.

Homepage  della Questione Sionista
The Evening Post, edito in Palmerston North nella Nuova Zelanda, fa parte del progetto Paperpast, coordinato con la National Library of New Zeland, ed include una collezione in progress di giornali della Nuova Zelanda, dell’Australia e del Pacifico dal 1839 al 1945. Notizie sul The Evening Post si trovano cliccando sul link del titolo. Le annate disponibili vanno dal 1865 al 1945. Valgono per le fonti neozelandesi gli stessi criteri di raccolta e sistemazione che abbiamo chiamato “a papiro” contenente in un solo post tutti gli articoli dell’annata senza interventi redazionali e quindi concepita per il più ampio numero possibile di fruitori. Nella redazione “a libro” con un post per ogni singolo articolo svilupperemo invece un nostro commentario. Un Indice analitico ed una Cronologia degli eventi menzionati conferiscono unità alle diverse e disparate fonti qui esplorate.


tratta daThe Evening Post

1920   ↔   1922
Paperpast More Search Option
Anno di inizio spoglio: 1921.
The Evening Post: 1865 - 1866 - 1867 - 1868 - 1869 - 1870 - 1871 - 1872 - 1873 - 1874 - 1875 - 1876 -1877 - 1878 - 1879 - 1880 - 1881 - 1882 - 1883 - 1884 - 1885 - 1886 - 1887 - 1888 - 1889 - 1890 - 1891 - 1892 - 1893 - 1894 - 1895 - 1896 - 1897 - 1898 - 1899 - 190 - 1901 - 1902 - 1903 - 1904 - 1905 - 1906 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1911 - 1912 - 1913 - 1914 - 1915 - 1916 - 1917 - 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 - 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1925 - 1926 - 1927 - 1928 - 1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 - 1933 - 1934 - 1935 - 1936 - 1937 - 1938 - 1939 - 1940 - 1941 - 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - 1945.

Sommario: 1) 7-2-1921: Un nuovo modello di insediamento coloniale. – 2) 19-3-1921: Formazione di una compagnia di navigazione a sostegno dell’immigrazione ebraica. – 3) 21-3-1921: I non sionisti protestano contro la Dichiarazione Balfour. – 4) 6-4-1921: Un accomodamento sulla Trans-giordania con l’Emiro Abdullah. – 5) 16-6-1921: Peggioramento della situazione dei cristiani in Palestina. –

Cap. 1

Top supra ↑ 7-2-1921 ↓ infra → § 1w

Back to Palestine: Pioneers of new scheme.

The Evening Post, Vol. CI, Nr. 32
Lunedi, 7 febbraio 1921, p. 8

BACK TO PALESTINE. PIONEERS OF NEW SCHEME. – Jerusalem, 6th February. – During the past year ten thousand Jews, pioneers of the new settlement scheme, reached Palestine, including three tousand repatraited people, three thousand from the Ukrane, Crimea, and Armenia, 3500 from Lithuania, Poland, Galicia, and Germany.

Cap. 2

Top supra ↑ 19-3-1921 ↓ infra → § 1w

Development: Formation of American Company

The Evening Post, Vol. CI, Nr. 67
Sabato, 19 marzo 1921, p. 5

DEVELOPMENT PALESTINE. FORMATION OF AMERICAN COMPANY. – Washington 17th March. – The announcement is expected shortly of the formation of a five million dollar corporation, named the American Palestine Company, to develop commerce and industry in the Holy Land, the purpose being to better absorb the thousands of Jews who are migrating there. Local Jews are interested in the flotation of the company.

Cap. 3/w

Top supra ↑ 21-3-1921 ↓ infra → § 1w

Palestine’ future: Non-zionist’ demands.

The Evening Post, Vol. CI, Nr. 68
Lunedi, 21 marzo 1921, p. 7

PALESTINE’S FUTURE: NON-ZIONISTS’ DEMANDS. – CAIRO, 18th March. A deputation representing non-Zionists in Palestine is seeking an interview with Mr. Churchill regarding Mr. Balfour’s declaration that he would make Palestine a Jewish national home. The deputation will request the establishment of a native Government in conformity with Article 22 of the League of Nations Covenant, and will protest against the mandate articles. It desires the cessation of Jewish immigration to Palestine.

Cap. 4

Top supra ↑ 6-4-1921 ↓ infra → § 4w

News from Palestine: A settlement announced.

The Evening Post, Vol. CI, Nr. 81
Mercoledi, 6 aprile 1921, p. 8

NEWS FROM PALESTINE. A SETTLMENT ANNOUNCED. Cairo, 5th April. – It is reliably reported from Palestine that the future of Trans-Jordania has been settled, as the result of an arrangement with the Emir Abdullah. The independent areas will be united, with one central administration. A Government will shortly be convened, which will not take action without collaboration with Abdullah. A high British official will act as adviser.

Cap. 5

Top supra ↑ 16-6-1921 ↓ infra → § 5w

Christian in Palestine: their situation made worse.

The Evening Post, Vol. CI, Nr. 142
Mercoledi, 16 giugno 1921, p. 7

CHRISTIANS IN PALESTINE. THEIR SITUATION MADE WORSE. Rome, 14th June. – Rome, 14th June. – A passage in the Pope’s allocution during a secret consistory is attracting attention. The Pope says the situation of Christians in Palestine has been not only not improved, but made worse by the new civil arrangements, which are ousting Christianity from its previous position and putting Judaism in its place. The allocution exhorts Christians, including non-Catholic Governments, to insist that the League of Nations examine the British mandate.


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